Don’t let research-reading-fatigue blur this game-changer It is commonly accepted that increased hand hygiene compliance can reduce HAI rates. There is an abundance of evidence that electronic monitoring of hand hygiene does increase compliance but this study goes that important step into new territory. “An automated hand hygiene compliance system is associated with decreased rates […]
The Why Of Healthcare’s Unwashed Hands
Would the Owner of the Problem Please Step Forward APIC 2018 provided the venue to check in with caregivers as to why handwashing compliance numbers continue to fall short of a safe level. (The research was sponsored by Chicago Faucets, creators of the best-in-class HyTronic™ faucet with its integrated hand-held data gathering device, Commander™.) The overarching objective […]
Owning the New Joint Commission Standard for Handwashing
The Joint Commission’s new zero-tolerance standard for handwashing is proving to be the end of the line for many facilities who have long accepted the flawed compliance standard perpetuated by the misinformation of observation-only monitoring. This dramatic change calls on the “owner” of the handwashing accountability to step forward. “Who is it?” is the focal […]
Olympic Handwashing Winners in Chicago
Games motivate restaurant handwashing. Food Safety experts gathered in Chicago at the Food Safety Summit to test their skills at this year’s Handwashing For Life Olympics. “Athletes” had 20 seconds to cleanse their hands of simulated pathogens. Each day produced a Gold Medal Winner from a wide range of participants. Along with the medal each […]
A Tragic Outcome From Secondary Contamination
High-touch surfaces retain and multiply deadly risks 16 month old Riley Detwiler never ate an undercooked hamburger from Jack-In-The-Box 25 years ago but his daycare classmate’s mother who worked at JITB and was infected brought the pathogen to her son who in turn contaminated Riley. This chain of contamination is a reminder that surfaces must […]
Paper cleans. Paper dries. Paper wins.
Air dryers have been under the microscope for years because of their poor drying capability and “bug-blowback”. They won the superficial argument of saving paper, saving trees, but ignoring the fact that they introduce a much costlier possible outcome of a foodborne outbreak. “Save a little lose a lot.” “In most institutions, toilets don’t have […]
Crowdsourced Risk In Foodservice
Two social media experts share their views. Good news travels fast but bad news spreads even faster. Crowdsourced commentary on restaurant experiences has spawned a new website, serving as an early alert to potential problems. Social media multiplies the impact of University of North Carolina State’s very graphic Barf Blog, maintained by Dr. Ben Chapman. […]
Handwashing: Overcoming The E-Monitoring Myth
Who owns healthcare handwashing? All caregivers care. All wash their hands. Their patients or residents are important to them or they would not work in this challenging field. This doesn’t mean that they meet the standards of care each and every moment of every shift. Drifting off the path of handwashing policy happens easily because […]
The Joint Commission’s New No-Nonsense Handwashing Policy
Providers pay the price for dishonest compliance reporting Handwashing For Life® serves as an Ambassador for The Joint Commission’s Targeted Solutions Tool®. Behavior change and the shared goal of sustainable handwashing compliance brought the two organizations together. This new surveyor standard of zero-tolerance is a multiplier for measurement, in keeping with the overarching standard of […]
E-Monitoring Handwash History In Foodservice
Limitations from the Past Deter New-tech Trials Net/Tech, UltraClenz and Diversey’s initial entry (VET), are but three of the many failed electronic handwash monitoring systems tested by major US foodservice companies. What did they all have in common? personal ID badges – a distinct handicap in this high staff-turnover environment. The watershed-event of the Jack-In-The-Box […]