Restaurants Tackle Foodborne Illness
Shamrock Foods and Handwashing For Life teamed up and took the field to find Phoenix’s finest professional handwashers. The venue was spectacular, state-of-the-art Cardinal Stadium, ready for the arrival of the Patriots and Giants. Crowds lined up at the hand sink, the super bowl of the day, a high-tech entry from the Eagle Group – HFL5000.
Line Judges and Referees were supplied by Maricopa County’s finest, the award winning Maricopa County Environmental Health Team, headed by David Ludwig. The winning Coach and Trainer were Lacie Thrall and Doris Rittenmeyer, on special assignment through the generosity of the FoodHandler company.
Except for the Norovirus, Hep A, Ecoli and MRSA, there were no losers here as all the contestants learned how to win the ongoing battle-of-the bugs, 24/7.

People in photo from lef-to-right:
Doris Rittenmeyer (FoodHandler)
Mark Walden (GOJO)
Lacie Thrall (FoodHandler)
Amy Yore (San Jamar)
Barry Short (Brevis)
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