The Remedy for Stored-data Concerns
The Handwashing For Life HACCP/HARPC-Hands Scoreboard is a component of EHHM, Electronic Hand Hygiene Monitoring. It is the scoreboard screen or marquee positioned in clear view of the kitchen and wait-staff work stations to assure the food handling team of their current handwashing performance that they are on pace to reach their previously agreed Safe Level Standard for the shift, the day or the current period. For an understanding of HARPC, read this article.
An ideal location for the Scoreboard in the back-of-house is just outside the door of the busy shift manager’s office, reporting to both staff and their shift leader in real-time. The screen shows either the percentage of target or the running number of handwashes.
In the spirit of HACCP and HARPC, the offending team or person is the first to know of the non-compliance condition of their handwashing. The required corrective action can thus be quickly taken and the standard restored. This direct staff reporting method is the remedy for those operators concerned about storing data which they fear could be misinterpreted during any legal actions stemming from any foodborne illness. Visual on-the-spot reporting negates the need for storing data.