New Hand Sanitizer Ready For Norovirus “High Season”
400 norovirus victims are showing up daily at emergency rooms in NYC
Vomiting and diarrhea are the order of the day as New York residents file into emergency rooms across the city. Where is the origin? Restaurants must take extra care as norovirus is classified as a foodborne illness and restaurateurs are accountable for any food or beverage they may serve which is contaminated by either employees or guests.
Frequent hand washing is defense number one but recent advances in the effectiveness of alcohol hand sanitizers in killing norovirus is rapidly changing operator and regulator attitudes on this important science-based intervention.

This graph shows Purell VF481 to be many times better than competitive products. On this log scale, it is actually 4,265 times more effective than Product C in killing human norovirus. (3.74 – 0.11= 10 3.63 = 4265)
A research report from the UK builds on previous information reported on the human norovirus work of Dr. Christine Moe at Emory University, winning her an NSF Leadership Award earlier this year.
The conclusions from the European presentation read A new general use hygienic hand rub (hand sanitizer), PURELL®VF481™, is the first EN 14476 compliant product with demonstrated Human Norovirus efficacy and robust skin performance. Therefore, in settings where hygienic hand rub (hand sanitizers) is used with high frequency and/or where there is an interest in mitigating Norovirus risk, PURELL®VF481™ should be strongly considered for improved infection prevention and control.