“How am I doing today?”
Waisted staff training time and treasure can now be redirected to a sustainable handwashing solution. Data has been the missing link, rendering the having of standards for handwash frequency nearly impossible. Training on when to wash is important but is multiplied in value when staff can see how they are doing in real-time.

In this employee-badged system, each team member has a friendly avatar on this screen, which is mounted in the back-of-house but in the normal workflow of the staff. The same information appears on the computer in the chef’s office.
Take a look at Alex and Tanya. They are depicted in red, signifying that while they were eventually compliant they did need a reminder. That means that they entered a zone that required they wash and they did not until they were reminded with a gentle vibration or chirp. By having Reminders tracked, management can better understand weaknesses in the behaviors whether they be individual or perhaps something in the work environment.
All the blue avatars indicate they are reaching or exceeding their safe standard minimum without reminders. These are labeled as “Actuals versus “Expected.” If a missed hand wash is not corrected within the specified time, management is alerted for quick corrective actions.
Employees check the monitor regularly to be sure their handwashing behaviors will be eligible for rewards rather than disciplinary action. Professional performance levels motivate this sustainable solution to infrequent handwashing in foodservice environments.