Event handwashing is often handicapped by the lack of running water. Summer fairs and church events are familar examples. Health departments around the country are contacted regularly by event planners looking to conform to local codes.
Most local codes flow from the FDA’s Model Food Code where water, any amount of water, trumps the alternatives. This has evolved to what we now call The Trickler Method where a small amout of water is trickled out of a vessel to wet hands, wash and rinse. It is hard to capture the trickler method in actual use as it rarely is.
If it is used, along with likely poor cleaning comes few uses per container of water and poorly rinsed hands are a major source of dermatitis. Fortunately, operators now have an alternative with documented effectiveness. SaniTwice® is the no-water solution for ServeReady® Hands.
Below are four examples of approved “handsinks” for The Trickler Method, photographed in Illinois.

Data was presented at the 2008 Conference for Food Protection for the new alternate protocol for use where running water is not available. It is a protocol accepted by the US military and by the Southern Nevada Health District in approved situations, two early adopters. SaniTwice® meets the current standard for handwashing effectiveness of a log 2 reduction.
We are interested in hearing from our readers as to any lab data available for The Trickler Method. We suspect pathogen reduction is well below an acceptable level. Please contact us.