Motivation matters.Data is the difference. Handwashing compliance has eluded healthcare for decades. This has resulted in a multitude of infections, extended hospital stays, and profit-damaging HCAHPS scores. This was the scene even before COVID-19. Norovirus was and likely still is the leading ongoing pathogen in Nursing Homes. Hospital units continue to be closed by Norovirus outbreaks. Handwashing […]
The Healthcare Handwashing Fix
The Foodservice Handwashing Fix
Motivation matters.Data is the difference. Handwashing compliance has eluded foodservice workers for decades. This has resulted in scores of outbreaks, hospitalizations, business closures, cruise-liners’ early-return to port and deaths, especially in nursing homes. This was the scene before COVID-19! Norovirus was and likely still is the leading pathogen in Foodservice. And handwashing is the #1 […]