Sustainable HAI Reductions Depend on Compliance Verification Caregiver handwashing rates appear quite high right now, thanks to the COVID-19 scare. Fear is apparently a good driver but a likely temporary one. It is expected that these “COVID-19” handwashing rates will soon be returning to the pre-pandemic normal of 30-40%. Today’s special situation is a unique […]
COVID-19: Nursing Home Resident Perspectives
Waiting for CDC’s 2020 projection for HAI related deaths Nursing Home residents had no idea of the HAI death rate associated with their new home prior to the release of COVID-19’s devastating statistics. That message doesn’t fit with the tone of the alluring brochures, brimming with coveted services and wellness opportunities. It also doesn’t fit […]
Proper COVID-19 Hand Sanitizing
No Water, No Wash, No Problem The use (and misuse) of hand sanitizers has exploded with the onslaught of Coronavirus. Its convenience factor plus CDC, NIH, and FDA support have driven its application to new heights in away-from-home settings. It may well prove to be the #1 intervention for this virus as two of the […]
Better Handwashing 101
Measurement is Key for Quality and Frequency Training Handwashing in this post-COVID-19 era is a higher valued event in protecting caregivers, patients, the dining public and their food prep/serve team. Rebuilding public trust in their organizations is a common goal. Protocols are matched to the risk. Their effectiveness is at the heart of the ProGrade™ […]
The Core Handwash Poster
This poster is a no-charge download, designed as a training aid and a daily reminder of a more professional and productive 20-second handwash. The sequence listed in step #3 converts the mindless passing of time method to a make-sense increase in friction. This change also encourages the caregiver to think of handwashing as a process […]
Pneumonia is an infection seeded in many other infections. It has more than 30 causes and kills 50,000 persons a year. The coronavirus, COVID-19, develops into its own variation of pneumonia, one of many that are not protected by the pneumonia vaccine. Photo by CDC on Unsplash
Handwashing Innovator Speaks Out on COVID-19
Dr. Emily Landon, the infectious disease doctor at the University of Chicago Medical Center, has spent most of the last decade improving hospital handwashing using data to motivate staff. Here she clearly explains Social Distancing and its critical nature in slowing the COVID-19 cases to a level that can be managed with available hospital beds […]
Pre-Coronavirus Handwashing Investments Pay Off
Handwashing transparency valued by Millennials Those foodservice operators who invested in handwash monitoring because of Norovirus concerns now add another, even more topical and contagious virus to their hit-list, Coronavirus. While these pathogens have many technical differences the two viruses share the property of living on hands and surfaces for a day or more. Coronavirus […]
Coronavirus: The Good News
Our Top 10 handwashing behaviors to beat COVID-19 … and next year’s mutationsEclipsed by Coronavirus media exaggerations and unforgivable politicalization, are the benefits of the public’s emerging better behaviors regarding hand cleanliness. The legacy of the Coronavirus outbreak in the USA is likely to be that it saved more lives than those lost to COVID-19. […]
Pre-Coronavirus Handwashing Investments Pay Off
Handwashing transparency valued by Millennials Those foodservice operators who invested in handwash monitoring because of Norovirus concerns now add another, even more topical and contagious virus to their hit-list, Coronavirus. While these pathogens have many technical differences the two viruses share the property of living on hands and surfaces for a day or more. Coronavirus […]