Caution! Ill advised savings can be a short cut to outbreaks. One of the risks of economic downturns is outbreak upturns. Restaurants cut the immeasurable first. Handwashing may well be as the CDC indicates “the single most important means of preventing the spread of infection” but it is easily compromised because so few operators have […]
New Skin Friendly Hand Sanitizer
A killer that’s kind. This summarizes two pieces of important news where a single alcohol hand sanitizer formulation kills norovirus quicker and is milder than baby oil. This seemingly contradictory result is a breakthrough on both counts. We have previously posted the Purell VF481 lab results from the Emory University research. This companion skin irritation […]
Norovirus News for New York City
New Hand Sanitizer Ready For Norovirus “High Season” 400 norovirus victims are showing up daily at emergency rooms in NYC Vomiting and diarrhea are the order of the day as New York residents file into emergency rooms across the city. Where is the origin? Restaurants must take extra care as norovirus is classified as a […]
Catered Handwashing by The Trickler Method
Event handwashing is often handicapped by the lack of running water. Summer fairs and church events are familar examples. Health departments around the country are contacted regularly by event planners looking to conform to local codes. Most local codes flow from the FDA’s Model Food Code where water, any amount of water, trumps the alternatives. […]
Cancer Patients and Survivors: High Risk Handwashers
Cancer patients are very susceptible to infection, including foodborne illness. Their chemotreatments are very effective in killing cells, the good along with the bad. Their oncologist leads their fight with a delicate balance of chemical brew, blended on a case-by-case basis. The one thing all oncologists agree for all patients is that handwashing and continued […]
Norovirus Effective Hand Sanitizer Launched in Europe
Effectiveness data for a new breed of alcohol hand sanitizer was presented earlier this month to a group of foodservice and hospitality professionals in Europe. This information is not yet available in the USA but the patent-pending formulation appears to be 3 times more effective on norovirus compared to basic alcohol versions. Speculation suggests this […]
Champions Crowned at an Alternative March Madness
The Handwashing For Life® Olympics staged in Washington DC Held in conjunction with the 10th annual Food Safety & Security Summit, this year’s venue was visited by two former title holders, both multiple winners. From the left are Michele Samarya-Timm from the Franklin New Jersey Health Department and Kristen Machicek from Pappas Restaurants, better known […]
The Super Bowl of Handwashing
Restaurants Tackle Foodborne Illness Shamrock Foods and Handwashing For Life teamed up and took the field to find Phoenix’s finest professional handwashers. The venue was spectacular, state-of-the-art Cardinal Stadium, ready for the arrival of the Patriots and Giants. Crowds lined up at the hand sink, the super bowl of the day, a high-tech entry from […]
Hand Washing Gets Top Billing from CDC
Three Real Threats By Dr. Julie Gerberding Today’s headlines are packed with threats we never thought much about in earlier days — dangers involving food, infections and a possible influenza pandemic. How do we keep our concerns in check and at the same time take sensible steps to protect ourselves and our families? At the […]
Outbreak Revelation: Watch for the Unwashed Surface
Norovirus Outbreak Report, D.C. Elementary School — 2007 What I like about this report is that we gain outbreak data, a better understanding of contributing factors and…no one died. This executive summary for a norovirus outbreak provides some insights for both the critical nature of hand washing but also the importance of hand sanitizing and […]