Convenience results in a prompt remedy for water outages The school foodservice world owes Carmel Salazar, former HACCP Manager for the Clark County School District, and the Southern Nevada Health District a debt of gratitude. Their pioneering use of the SaniTwice protocol not only improved school food safety in Clark County but has now opened […]
MyQ Self-Monitoring of Hand & Surface Hygiene
Linking Training To Actual Behavior Self-monitored handwashing is food safety auditing of the highest order but the lowest in actual use. This stems in part from a breakdown between training and operational realities. Handwashing For Life believes that the first step in reaching meaningful handwashing and related surface cleaning compliance is the staff’s understanding of […]
The OurWIN™- MyWIN™ Commitment Methodology
The OurWIN™- MyWIN™ commitment methodology helps set handwash frequency standards, verified by team or individual compliance systems. Foodservice team members are trained individually but also to work together in caring for the people they serve. Each must understand and commit to an appropriate and accountable handwash frequency which Handwashing For Life® calls their MyWIN – […]
Training – Visualize, Personalize & Motivate
Handwashing For Life Olympics: Life-Saving Learning in the Spirit of Sport Educate, Motivate & Train Successful foodservice depends on professionalism throughout the kitchen, service areas and restrooms. It can be and should be a rewarding career from the entry-level worker, to the local manager and owners. A lack of employee motivation stifles the needed enthusiasm […]
Handsinks & Cantaloupes: Bringing The Farm To The Fork
If anyone ever questioned why the Handwashing Only directive is important for specified kitchen handsinks, consider this “poster child” example. This restaurant is blessed with a handsink perfectly located at the entrance to the prep area. Wait staff pass by it to pick up nearly every order and bussers file by on their trips to […]
Air Dryers Fail Critical Hand Hygiene Tests
Hand drying is a misnomer. The friction added by using a paper towel is a significant part of the “handwash”. Using air dryers of any type, can leave a high level of suspended contaminants in place. The shorter the scrub step, the more important it is to use paper towels. This is especially true in […]
Day One Handwashing: Motivating New Employee Behaviors
At a food safety meeting in Las Vegas a few years ago, Frank Yiannis, Wal-Mart’s VP of Food Safety, recounted his 19 year stint with Disney, asking the audience “What do you remember most in your career path?” His answer? Day one of the new job, that immersion into the new culture. Handwashing For Life’s […]
Seven Savers for Earth Day
Wash your hands. That’s our simple summary to celebrate Earth Day. Poor hand hygiene is likely the single largest contributing factor to diarrhea in North America. If we want to talk about waste, let’s start with diarrhea’s dire damper on productivity and resource losses starting with water and toilet paper. One missed handwash can ignite […]
Stop Handwashing Training! … Until Standards are Established.
Handwash training has long been a priority for foodservice operators and their regulators. Training monies are invested annually even when facing high staff turnover rates, often over 100% per year. But poor hand hygiene remains the #1 cited contributing factor in foodborne outbreak investigations. This drives continued hand hygiene training in foodservice but calls for […]
No-Water Hand Cleansing Grows
SaniTwice® out-performs soap & water handwash … again These three recent quotes from an operator, an industry-leading food safety auditor and a passionate advocate serve as a SaniTwice update following presentations at recent meetings: As foodservice moves closer to the action and further from the kitchen, SaniTwice is the answer. Food & Beverage Manager Regulators […]