Gloving innovation passes pre-market trials Waste in terms of lost donning time and “multi-pull” losses are answered with a new generation of single-use gloves.
Holiday Catered Norovirus
Outbreak Sickens 75 at Minnesota Banquet Might the norovirus have entered the catered event via an ill worker, perhaps symptom-free? Or a guest? Or from contact with a high-touch surface contaminated the week before? One surefire added intervention to protect public health is the expanded use of a norovirus effective alcohol hand sanitizer. The Venetian […]
Kindling a Culture of Cleanliness
Come Compete in the Handwashing For Life Olympics Handwashing For Life® overcomes underwashing of hands and high-touch surfaces by integrating a series of best practices. At the Food Safety Consortium, being staged at the Schaumburg Conference Center, on December 4th & 5th, attendees will learn how to assess their hand hygiene-related risks and assemble a […]
Handwashing For Life Olympics
Convert Training to Fun and Improved Hand Cleanliness The Food Safety Consortium is your next opportunity to enter the official Handwashing For Life Olympics. It will be staged at the Schaumburg Illinois convention center on December 4th and 5th. Contestants will learn a new handwash protocol that promotes effective results – without singing “happy birthday” […]
Norovirus: The Killer & The Cures
Norovirus is not thought of as being a killer nor is it considered long-lived on surfaces. Both are wrong and risky. In the U.S., the virus causes 19-21 million illnesses, 56,000-71,000 hospitalizations and 570-800 deaths.
What Constitutes a Handwash?
Blending available resources into an effective protocol. From a Food Code perspective there is but one handwash. We like to think of it as a minimum and one of perhaps many. Handwashing For Life designates a soap-water 15 second hand wash, with a 2.0 gpm flow of warm water and paper towel drying, as its […]
Defining Corrective Actions
Learning diminished by simplistic reporting Foodservice at a funeral in Alabama sickens 67 attendees from 10 states with salmonella bacteria. … preliminary findings show that it was introduced via cross-contamination during meal preparation. Often specifics are undeterminable. But frequently there is helpful information available somewhere. Early reporting is understandably cautious and if no legal actions […]
Training Handwashing: A Sisyphean Task
Sometimes training handwashing feels futile and frustrating. For the professional who daily works through this repetitive task, we found a parallel image from back in Greek mythology. Sisyphus, the king of Corinth, was charged with rolling a stone uphill for eternity. Luckily for our dedicated handwash trainers, their toil has a more rewarding outcome, especially […]
The Case For Added Hand Wash/Cleanse/Sanitize Protocols
Light Duty Hand Cleaning May Increase Frequency The Model Food Code serves as a minimum standard, providing a foundation on which operators can build solutions tailored to their operation and their assessment of risk. There is an unresolved handwashing dilemma in the Model Food Code in that it prescribes the same wash whether the hands […]
Patents, Proprietary Resources & The Model Food Code
How should innovation be treated in a regulated environment? SaniTwice® as an alternative protocol for soap/water handwashing was rejected by at least one of the Conference for Food Protection (CFP) Council III delegates because SaniTwice works best with patented Purell VF-481. This is based on its unique effectiveness on norovirus, the leading pathogen in foodborne […]