The ‘prescriptive’ nature of the food code is now being understood by local health officials as: ‘The health authority prescribes how a task is done and the operator is responsible to do the task as prescribed.’ This interpretation, which differs from the traditional approach of Food Code which defined the minimum standard needed and operators […]
The Written Food Code: Prescription vs. Innovation
How the operator-interpreted code blurs food safety responsibility. Health authorities help operators prepare and serve safe food. These agencies take their guidance from the FDA’s written Model Food Code which sets out minimum standards in a 600+ page tome. Every successive edition of the Code becomes more prescriptive, leaving less choice available for the operator. […]
Michelin 2-Star Norovirus in London
“… staff told to wash their hands more often.” After the closing of another world-class restaurant due to a norovirus outbreak, a piece of world-class food safety advice was passed along by London’s health inspectors as reported in The Guardian newspaper: “Environmental health officers have told staff at the two Michelin star restaurant to wash […]
Fixing Food Code Flaws
Risk vs. Inspection Unintended consequences are many as the FDA’s Model Food Code strives to further protect public health. The operators have prime accountability for serving safe food and the more than 30,000 health inspectors look to help them. Both have the same goal. It can be a team effort and often is. But there […]
Consortium’s Inaugural Success Ignites Planning for 2014
Handwashing For Life has been looking for a trade event that would be more risk-based and inclusive of the foodservice audience. Food Safety Tech has responded with a strong Foodservice/Retail commitment. The size of the show with a focus on education provided an intimacy that nurtured productive one-on-one exchanges. From the workshops and the Handwashing […]
Putting the Rest in Restroom
Cleanliness is a Powerful Message of Customer Care Customers are increasingly seeing restroom cleanliness as an indicator of the organization’s culture and the reflection of their true customer care. It is proving to be one of the best spaces to invest in customer loyalty.
A Chef’s View on Values of Cleanliness
Not everyone treats kitchen cleanliness as a cost. Some leading chefs consider it the foundation of their culture of cleanliness where creativity, quality and efficiency generate the prime revenue of returning customers. High standards translate to the staff’s professional pride and unquestioned compliance with accountabilities.
Glove Changing at Catered Events
This portable no-water “hand sink” has added an important gloving feature. This unit can now be located exactly where it is most needed and most likely used. There is no need to delay changing a contaminated or torn pair of gloves. There is no need to leave the work station unguarded while taking a hike […]
Choose Your Handwashing Regimen Carefully
Risk-based handwashing choices are infinite Looking at your various workstations in your operation is it a one-size-fits-all when it comes time to specify your standard protocols? Protocols from which flow your staff training and process control considerations.
Resolving The Inherent Conflict Between Innovation and The Model Food Code
Public health needs should set the pace for codification.Once a public health driven need is identified, local resources seek solutions, often with supplier partners. Concept prototypes and programs are developed. Costly research is often involved and manufacturers seek patent protection to make this investment worthwhile. This factor looms large as some links in the chain […]