Infection Budgeting Add facts to ignite a patient priority for electronic handwash monitoring Tight budgets are perhaps the easiest way to avoid change and hide behind a culture of the status quo. Facing the budget process with evidence is a game-changer. Facts driven by electronic handwashing monitoring can convert the budget hawks into allies for […]
Myth #2: Electronic monitoring raises handwashing compliance but doesn’t lower HAIs.
Infection Evidence Confirms Value Of Frequent Caregiver Handwashing Electronic monitoring drives handwashing up and HAIs down Recent caregiver research provides the previously missing evidence between increased handwashing and decreased patient infections. These research studies are important tools in recruiting support for this patient protecting investment in electronic monitoring of handwashing policy compliance.
Myth #1: 479,000 Annual HAI Deaths Will Persist As Our Cultural Norm
Complacency paralyzes progress in hospitals & nursing homes The combined annual death rate from Healthcare Acquired Infections, Acute Care and Long-Term Care (LTC) add up to 479,000. This disaster, a daily disaster, illustrates the Normalcy Bias where improbability blocks reality and reason. Breaking this Normalcy Bias will save many lives, likely tens of thousands per […]
Pathogen Pathway Pictorials for Healthcare C-Suites
Handwashing becomes the backstop for the surface contamination in nursing homes Dr. Kelly Reynolds, University of Arizona researcher, shares her experience in long-term care where the homelike environment challenges staff to keep pace with surface cleanliness standards. She finds that busy C-Suite decision-makers appreciate converting complicated research studies into pictures. The referenced nursing home research […]
The Engaged Hand Washer: Patient Protector #1
APIC 2019 Handwashing Preview Handwashing remains a process basically out of control in healthcare. There are no clear standards, thus no variance reports and no objective data to reward success or discipline nonperformance. Unwashed hands endanger brands and are a major contributing factor to the 479,000 annual deaths attributed to infections acquired in hospitals and […]
The Engaged Handwasher: Brand Protector #1
Chicago’s recent Food Safety Summit was the latest venue for brand-protecting professionals to gather and assess new technologies. Educational sessions frequently put handwashing under the collaborative microscope and at the top of the list of potential outbreak-reducing actions, following HACCP’s advice to take on the biggest risk first. Similarly, hand hygiene discussions rippled through the […]
Self-Compliant Handwashing Answers the Skeptics of Electronic Monitoring
The Magic is Employee Engagement Originally published May 5, 2019 on Food Safety News. The top 100 restaurant chains have good trainers but they almost all fail to change handwashing behavior in a sustainable way. That has been, is and thought by many to be its likely future. If good trainers can’t do it, there […]
Data >> Recognition >> Handwash Compliance
What matters gets rewarded and repeated. Recognition is a powerful motivator in foodservice. It is emerging as one of the strongest arguments to invest in Electronic Hand Wash Monitoring technology. EHWM serves up real-time data which engages workers and sets up a playing field where their avid policy compliance wins and can be rewarded in […]
The 2018 Norovirus Restaurant Report Card
Symptom vs. Source According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), norovirus continues to be responsible for over 50 percent of foodborne illnesses in the U.S. In recent years, a majority of foodborne norovirus outbreaks occurred in restaurants, often related to an infected employee practicing poor handwashing and subsequently handling food. There is […]
Pairing Electronic Faucets with E-Monitoring Handwash Systems
Synergies pay off between water & new process control technologies Water is obviously a key element of a good handwash, especially in the era of controlling the spread of C. diff. As in most everything else, some manufacturers have invested more than others, in this case to serve up the wash-ready water with utmost speed, […]