Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations:
Who owns the problem in foodservice chains where handwashing frequency is low?
Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers
Discussion topic concerning the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
Hand Dryers in the Kitchen
Discussion on the validity and effectiveness of hand dryers in the kitchen.
Kitchen Slang from Around the World: Cracking the Colorful Code Of the Professional Kitchen
A rich vocabulary has developed to help communicate in the back-of-house. Some are legitimate short-cuts and others are just rude or at least politically incorrect. Do you have some good restaurant or food safety slang that you don’t see here? Send in your contribution to Carolyn Mann. Bubble DancerA disrespectful name for one of the […]
Double Blocked Handsink
Temporary storage trumps handwashing. Waiting for the adjacent storage area to be unlocked, a worker drops off a couple cases. Soon after, seeing the handsink is already blocked, another employee places a container of freshly cut vegetables directly on the handsink.
How Far is Too Far
Yes, we have a handsink. And it is a good one. But its distant location from many key food prep stations minimizes its use. It certainly does little to remind workers to wash their hands.
How to Set, Train and Sustain Handwashing Quality
Without a specification for the Ready-To-Serve Hand®, operators must depend on simulations and common sense. The use of a tracer such as GlitterBug® and a black light provides a visualization of handwashing effectiveness and serve as a demonstration of knowledge. After a thorough handwash and drying with a single-use paper towel, it is unlikely that […]
Drop Zone
Temporary convenience trumps access to hand soap … all day long.
Find the Handsink #1
Making good drinks is a lot easier than handwashing at this four star Lake Tahoe resort.