Our current work on electronic handwashing compliance in restaurants clearly documents the industry’s poor hand hygiene reality. It is encouraging to watch how monitoring and keeping score changes the game. It is the foundation for motivating behavior change and raising the bar for handwash frequency and food safety. New behaviors are formed but it takes […]
Rub In but Rub Out the 70% Alcohol Myths
Hand sanitizers are often selected by label kill-claims and alcohol level. Those numbers conceal compelling, decision-making scientific facts, verified by some of our leading universities. First, there is the common misstatement claiming that alcohol hand sanitizers are ineffective on norovirus, one of the leading causes of outbreaks and deaths in nursing homes. A properly formulated […]
Foodservice for the At-Risk
Placing Barriers in the Pathogen Pathways Three meals per day for the most vulnerable demands knowledge, process and caregiver commitment. In acute care, vulnerabilities are obvious as they are in long-term care, with the population dominated by the over 65 age group. Norovirus is a potent enemy of those already at risk due to their […]
Handwashing: Let’s Start Talking Risk
Monitoring for the near misses Restaurants, particularly multi-unit operators, could reduce their corporate risk of an outbreak by increasing their ability to simply talk more about the #1 risk, poor handwashing. This Circles of Success assessment is an instrument to make that happen, to merge the science of Quality Assurance with the priorities of Operations […]
Handwashing: The Behavior Change Reality
Intention is miles from a good habit Our current work on electronic handwash monitoring is accentuating the path of caregiver learning from awareness on to forming new unconscious behaviors. Too often, training is seen as the singular factor in changing handwash behaviors. We train, stop and expect results. There are 7 steps and we stop […]
Handshake vs. Fist Bump Greeting vs. Elbow Tap
Study Suggests a Change of Greetings in Professional Kitchens A handshake is many things, mostly positive. It conveys feelings of friendship and common ground. The handshake builds customer confidence when greeted by their chef, server or bartender. A university study in the United Kingdom provides some added information to help assess the risk at your […]
The Rub ’n Run Caregiver
High marks for speed but low on care The often mind numbing rush of caregivers in hospitals and long-term care has eclipsed common sense when using hand sanitizers. Caregivers have adapted to the pressures to use so often by using too little too fast. There is now a new Hand-Sanitizer Training Gel that personalizes and […]
Operator Focused Inspections
Scheduling expands the range of risks addressed Introduction: Scheduled inspections are a reward for consistently following food safety processes with regulatory clearance. A scheduled inspection system as in Olmsted County Minnesota, “PTV”, converts the common “raid” atmosphere into teachable moments. Let’s encourage this improvement and free our 30,000+ inspectors to first instruct. This provides a […]
Raising Handwashing While Lowering Staff Turnover
How to begin: Start by hiring smarter … Hire managers with leadership skills to help employees reach and sustain their professional handwashing standards. Don’t hire employees with nervous habits of unconscious twitches and touches of their face or hair. Hire people with cleanable hands. Convey your business and customer service philosophies clearly … Define hand […]
The Limits of Handwash Training
Why training may be blocking progress Our world of restaurant food safety is blessed with a cadre of good trainers and creative programs. This has been true for at least the last decade as more technology now leverages the messaging. Successful? How do we measure success? The trainer infuses knowledge, technique and “training session motivation”. […]