The SaniTwice® Protocol is a Special Friend of Bedridden Patients
First developed for the military, this two-step, cleanse-sanitize, protocol has found many applications in water-scarce situations beyond the deserts of the Middle East where it was first deployed. The latest “desert” is the bed of the bedridden patient – at home, in hospitals, rehab centers, and nursing homes. SaniTwice provides an uncompromisingly effective hand wash by using the hand sanitizer as a washing agent followed by a vigorous wipe-off/drying with a single-use paper towel. A followup application of the sanitizer according to label instructions kills remaining pathogens.
Hand sanitizers are thought to be ineffective on Norovirus yet there is one innovative product formulated for this specific virus, Purell VF-481:
The SaniTwice protocol has also been tested and found effective by Emory University in lettuce harvesting where its cleaning power was called into action.
SaniTwice simply raises performance over straight hand sanitizer use because of the added amount of product along with the increased friction when approached as a handwashing step rather than one of sanitizing. The added abrasion from the paper towel wipe-off/drying is also a significant performance factor. SaniTwice may not be effective on 100% of organisms but neither is the traditional soap-water wash.