FDA’s Captain Wendy Fanaselle took attendees of the Food Safety Summit on a research guided graphical trip of the restroom to emphasize the importance of killing the fecal-pathogens before they escape into public areas.

Toilet paper, designed by those more concerned about flushability than its barrier properties, doesn’t do the job. Single or double ply, soft or strong, research indicates pathogens still escape the basic maneuver and often proceed beyond the restroom doors.
Toilet paper is an advance over at least three of its earlier substitutes:
- The “Rears and Sorebutt” catalog
- Stones used by the Greeks
- The Left Hand, used for centuries in the Middle East
Technology has advanced but still falls short because of human variabilities in technique, often influenced by lack of concern and sometimes based on physique and flexibility. Whether you are a “folder” or a “scruncher”, toilet paper often fails on the far side.
Restroom handwashing is no place for shortcuts, no place for the “Splash ‘n Dash”. Wash at least 20 seconds with soap. Encourage the facility to install hand soap which is effective and kind to hands, dispensed from a touch-free dispenser.
Demand that the facility does a better job in specifying quality electronic faucets and maintains them! Avoid scouring-powder scrubbing that damages the faucet lens and results in the Airport Shuffle – where visitors shuffle down the line in search of one that works.
Avoid the air dryers. They are too slow and lack the required friction for final cleaning.
Celebrate the success of the ServeReady® Hands standard.
The Fecal-pathogen solution starts with cleaning restroom’s high-touch surfaces frequently with a spray cleaner and wipe with a friction-enhanced paper towel. Check cleanliness periodically with ATP to assure that cleaning protocols are working. Use a verification system to engage and motivate the cleaning staff to reach the professional TouchReady® level of surface cleanliness every shift, every day.