Verification closes the loop by reporting policy-based performance. What gets measured and acknowledged gets done. Rewarding the good and disciplining the less-than acceptable behaviors are key to sustainability.
A Successful Monitoring Plan…
It looks a lot like a business plan or a document seeking funding for a new business. A statement of values sets the direction for the objectives, budgets, team, and timetable.
The strategy and tactics are collaboratively agreed upon. Shared handwashing data becomes the common language to sustain this marker of brand protection.
The Strategy for a Successful Monitoring Program

Poor handwashing in most professional kitchens is recognized as a key hazard but effective handwashing remains a process out of control. There are no standards, no measurement tools and without data, the c-suite is unaware, unconcerned and uninvolved. These shortcomings, these risks, can be addressed with newly available electronic handwash...
The Tools for a Successful Monitoring Program

The tactics to build an effective and enduring handwash monitoring program are directly determined by its parent-strategy of adding handwash monitoring to the brand-protection bundle. The toolbox is loaded first with risk-assessment options geared to setting standards. Optimizing the equipment and supplies is followed by setting the conditions for success....