Set the conditions for success. Make it easier to do the right thing. Quality supplies matched with reliable user-friendly equipment underscore the importance of management’s clean hands priority.
Always look for ways to make it easier for the staff to do the right thing. Set procedures to make sense and be as intuitive as possible. Look to make all changes relevant to the staff’s performance and customer satisfaction.
Automatic touch-free faucets and dispensers save time and send a message of management caring. Often a behavior bottleneck can be freed with just clear, consistent and reasonable instructions.
Integrated Facility View
The floorplan below provides you an overview of all the intersection points of people and pathogens in a typical restaurant setting.
Initial Frequency Assessment Worksheet
Optimizing Action Items
This worksheet provides an overview of “current status” and the next steps.
Optimizing Action Items
Think About Your Equipment
“Value Engineering” is either your best friend or worst enemy. It is best only when you have a multi-department agreed method to determine value beyond the budget year. Otherwise, the measurable short-term costs lead one down an alley of regret.
Some careers are temporarily built in this cost-cutter alley while others make their mark of success year upon year. Reliability in handwashing equipment has many paybacks with the biggest being the staff’s frequent use.
The Optimized Handwash Station